Friendship Without Borders: No Hate, No Fear, Everyone is Welcome here!


Friendship without borders or FWB is a club focused on diversity where everyone has a place to connect with their community and meet others similar and different to them. In these meetings, members discuss issues surrounding different cultures. They participate in food drives, toy drives and try to assist their community in any way possible. No hate, no fear, anyone is welcome here!

Experiences within this club don’t stop there. They follow students throughout life as you meet many individuals unlike yourself.

“Friendship revolved around creating a comfortable environment to learn about people from diverse backgrounds, so that definitely helped when I started attending University of Texas,” Lamar alumni and former Vice President Jacob Lavorini said. “Austin is very diverse and the students come from every type of background. Friendship allowed me to exercise having an open mind when it came to looking at certain current events from a different perspective, so now in college I’m able to have more fruitful conversations with other students.”

As you age, you will meet various people from differing backgrounds. FWB gives students the opportunity to further connect with their peers. These connections last a lifetime and prepare members for the “real world.” For instance, lessons from this club can be taken to the workplace. There will be times you have to work with people you are unfamiliar with but that doesn’t mean you quit. You find common interests and communicate strongly to come to an agreement. Though the leaders of this organization have moved onto bigger and better things, their legacy still lives on.

“The main lesson I’ve taken from the previous officers is how to engage and lead club members. The past officers were very good at separating being an officer from a peer by setting boundaries while also keeping the club fun,” current Vice President, junior Jumana Elnashai said. “Something I’ve worked to improve upon is communication between officers and making sure that everyone is doing their part.