Tennis meets their match at Districts

Players Mischa Wijesekera, Sophia Rassin, John Butler, Alex Koong, and Mikail Wijesekera stand with Coach Jenna Clary after their tournament

The tennis season recently came to an end, with many players winning Districts and advancing to regionals.

“I’m really proud of the boys. We got first place in boys singles and boys doubles and we got first and second in mixed doubles so they were definitely very focused and committed when it came time to actually put in the work. They were willing to try their hardest,” tennis coach Jenna Clary said.

Being a part of a team teaches you many things: how to be a leader, how to work well with other people and how to grow and share each other’s wins and losses. 

“Growing up, when I was playing tennis outside of school, it was only individually so there was no team or anything. So really just to be on a team is a little bit different. It takes some of the pressure off because you’re not  just out there by yourself on the court. You have a team cheering you on and supporting you so that’s really good,” senior Mikail Wijesekera said.

Teams are amazing and can give you the motivation you need to win and do your best in a game.

“Since tennis is such an individual sport, it’s really nice to kind of get a team aspect through school. The tournaments are always so nerve wracking when you do stuff outside of school so it’s just so much more relaxed to have your teammates cheering for you. It just makes everything so much more fun,” senior Sophia Rassin said.

Tennis isn’t a sport that is easy to learn; it takes years of practice, skill and dedication. Many members of the team have been playing since they were young children.

“Tennis has always been a big thing in my family. My brother plays in college and both my parents play. I’ve probably been playing since kindergarten because my dad always got us out on the tennis court, just kind of like fooling around and playing,” Rassin said.

Some members of the team have enjoyed the sport so much that they want to continue playing in college.

“We have a couple of seniors that are graduating that have done really well and specifically Alex Koong.  I’m very proud of him and excited to see where his career will take him,” Clary said. “Other seniors decided not to play in college but they are still really talented and I’m really proud of everything they’ve done this year,”

Some students are not continuing in college but still expressed the love and appreciation that they have for the game. 

“I’m not really playing that much now. Just the matches for school but it’s a great sport. I’m going to play it for the rest of my life and it will be good fun,” Wijesekera said.