Lamar’s wrestling team has once again managed to surpass all of our expectations, pinning down success in every class, practice and match. The bruises, broken bones and sprained ankles aren’t signs of defeat but symbols of their determination and grit. Each wrestler has their own story to tell about this season, but each tale has something in common: the need to succeed.
Preparing to get into the ring is no easy feat, and practices mirror that. “It’s a whole basketball court of mats,” says Margot Royston. “We partner up, and do something we call ‘Process’. It’s constant motion, and you have to do it over and over again. At the end, we’ll either get live wrestling in or conditioning—or both! It just depends how mad Coach is that day.” Coach Patrick Swoyer recognizes the effort that his students make every single day. “To be a competitive wrestler in this day and age, you have to wrestle almost year-round,” admits Coach Swoyer. “I’m very proud of the young men and women who’ve worked very hard to get to where they are at. But obviously, there is always room for improvement.”
Wrestling takes effort both in and out of the ring. Cutting weight, healing from injuries and having tournaments the day of tests can affect our wrestlers’ focus, but they are ready to take it. “Wrestling is a competitive sport that is constantly evolving, so there is always going to be a struggle,” says senior captain Vincent Tapia. “But without struggle there is no growth, and with no growth there is no valuable lesson to learn. “
The team has evolved rapidly over the past few years, transforming from a sparse group to a constantly growing community that extends its vines all over Lamar. “We have come a long way since when we first started,” says Caroline Hellman. “We went from a handful of wrestlers to two-time girls district champions.” The team is reaping the rewards of success. This year, they have received their first ever state qualifier, a step-up from the many regional qualifiers they have had before.
But the biggest impact has not been made on the mats, but on each wrestler’s minds and bodies. “Wrestling is probably one of the best things that have happened to me,” says Gonzalo Briceno. “Before it, I was an absolute twig–I weighed 89 pounds. I shot up about 40 pounds of just lean muscle. It’s a discipline.” For others like junior Karla Lopez, wrestling isn’t all just about the fighting, but the friends she made along the way. “Apart from being stronger, I became more social,” says Lopez. “I made a lot of friends.”
The bonds made on and off of the mat are something strong–and many wrestlers dedicate them to their success. “All of them push me to be the best version of myself and push past my limits, not only in wrestling but also as a person,” says Tapia. “They taught me discipline and grace in winning and loss.”
Even though the season is closing to an end, the wrestling team isn’t planning on rolling the mats up for good. “We have the UIL season, and in the spring we’re going to wrestle some more, we’ll wrestle a bit in the summer, and we’re going to wrestle next fall,” says Coach Swoyer. The wrestling team has to prepare for anything that’s coming next. “When you’re going into each match, you have to think a lot about what your opponent is going to do,” says Assistant Coach Jewsin Matthew. “It’s not just physical, it’s also mental.”
The wrestling team has a spot open on the mats for everybody, but there is just one requirement: Hard work. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a guy, big or small,” says Coach Swoyer. “There is always a spot if you’re willing to stick your nose in there and put the time and effort in.”
Once the final whistle of the season blows, the anthem of our wrestling team’s power will echo through the halls, refusing to stay silent while it waits for its time to come again. The healing scars and the forming scabs will once more await for our wrestlers to form their mark on the mat.