The American Association at Lamar


AAA club meeting with its many members.

The Asian American Association is a place for everyone to learn more about other Asian Cultures. The club’s main goal is to help members feel included and to build fellowships within their communities, allowing them to meet others with similar cultural identity or experiences in order to build a relationship, resembling a family. 

The Asian American Association (AAA) collectively strives to unite students while promoting and providing an understanding and appreciation of Asian culture without facing discrimination or judgement. They place a large focus on diversity appreciation and educating others about Asian culture, history and current issues. 

“As a leader, I hope the members and other officers will remember the knowledge that we learn about other cultures,” senior and co-founder Hannah Thai said. “I hope they continue to keep the open-minded attitude they have now and use it to create connections among their peers.” 

However, this club is not only for Asians. It is accepting of all races without prejudice toward anyone or any group. Anyone who wants to learn more, expand their knowledge, and create an open mind is welcome to join!

“Students should consider joining AAA because it is a very inclusive club,” Thai said. “Our main goal is to have our members feel inclusive and interact with our members as much as possible. AAA is a cultural, but entertaining club that anyone can join!”