As we go into the month of February, a specific holiday comes into everyone’s mind. That holiday is Valentine’s Day, the day when you share your appreciation and adoration with the people you love the most. But Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance, it can be about all types of relationships and bonds that you share. Let’s take a moment to celebrate the bonds of friendship that shape our lives. For many students, friendships are the things that get them through the ups and downs of not only high school, but life. Whether forged in shared interests, tough times or simply the joy of laughter, these connections prove that love isn’t just about couples, but it’s also about the people who stand by us every day.
For the friendship between senior Rafaela Primitle and junior Juliana Rojo, they embrace their friendship shared by their equal introverted personalities and their involvement in color guard. “I saw her sitting by herself and I just thought she needed someone to talk to,” Primitle says. Rojo smiles as she thinks about what was really happening. “But in reality, I was just trying to get some peace and quiet, but I didn’t mind though. She was really chill and comfortable to be around,” Rojo says. The pair share the mutual feeling of enjoying a little peace and quiet and often find themselves just sitting in each other’s silence and finding comfort within it.
For seniors Alil Akbar and Stacey Guerrero, their friendship started through their involvement in the cross-country team, filled with a shared art class. Their favorite memories include traveling to their cross-country meet in Austin where they shared the experience of a very taxing race. “Stacey’s funny and caring, she always finds some way to make me laugh even when I’m trying so hard not to but that just means to me that she truly cares and that’s what I appreciate,” said Akbar. Guerrero, on the other hand, enjoys her friend’s uniqueness. “Alil’s weird, but in a good way. It’s refreshing and reminds me to just relax and have some fun,” Guerrero says.
Seniors’ Kai Hampton and Jaymie Charles bond developed over the past two years but feel just as significant. “She’s understanding,” says Hampton, reflecting on the support she received from Charles during a tough sophomore year. “She would drag me to class to make sure I didn’t fall behind. That really meant a lot,” Charles echoed the sentiment, describing Hampton as “honest” and someone who always tells the truth, even when it’s hard to hear. The pair also cherish how they’ve supported each other emotionally. “She listens to me, even when I have random things to talk about,” said Hampton. “She’s patient, even when I’m being annoying or talkative. That made me actually want to come to school every day,” Charles says.
Friendship is the underdog of Valentine’s Day, but just as special. Celebrating the connections that bring joy, strength, and purpose to our lives is fulfilling and calming to the heart. This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate all kinds of romantic and platonic relationships, while cherishing the friendships that make our hearts full.